After the Deadline is an open source software service that checks spelling, style, and grammar. This package contains an AtD CKEditor Plugin and instructions on how to use AtD with CKEditor.
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) { config.extraPlugins = "atd-ckeditor"; config.toolbar = 'MyToolbarSet'; /* you can omit config.atd_rpc and it will default to the proxy.php in the same dir as the plugin */ config.atd_rpc = '/path/to/proxy.php?url='; config.atd_api_key = '1234567'; config.toolbar_MyToolbarSet = [ ['Bold','Italic','StrikeThrough','-','Subscript','Superscript'], ['atd-ckeditor'], ['NumberedList','BulletedList','Outdent','Indent','Blockquote','RemoveFormat','Source'], ['Link','Unlink'], '/', ['JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock'], ['Format','FontSize'], ['FitWindow','ShowBlocks'] ] };
You can download the After the Deadline server from and serve your own requests. If you go this route, modify server/proxy.php to connect to your AtD host. All the other steps are the same.
This plugin was developed as a proof-of-concept for the AtD core UI module. It lacks the polish of the other AtD plugins and needs a maintainer. Patches are very welcome.
Here is a list of things that need to be done:
A demo this extension is at:
Get support from the atd-developers mailing list.