Fun and Interesting Websites

Math 130-02: Contemporary Mathematics


Symmetry & Group Theory:

Group Tables and Subgroup Diagrams
Spirograph Simulators
Finite Simple Group of Order 2
Noam Elkies Colloquium
Change Ringing
Classification of Finite Simple Groups
Numberphile - Monster Group
Hexaflexagon Pattern

4D links:

Unfolding a 4D cube
Slicing a 4D cube
Hypernom game
4D toys app
Miegakure game
The book Flatland
4D Rubik's cube
The regular polychora
All unfoldings of a 4D cube
Tesseract in soap film

Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2, Marcel Duchamp (1912)

Non-Euclidean geometry links:

Euclid's Elements
Shortest paths on the Earth
Shortest paths on a sphere
Hyperbolic triangle tiling
Hyperbolic plane crochet pattern and exhibit
Poincare disk model
Poincare disk in MC Escher's work
Gauss's great triangle
Henry Segerman's Non-Euclidean VR


Mathematically gifted and black

Polyhedron links:

Plato's theory of Platonic solids
Kepler's theory of Platonic solids
Unusual dice from the Dice Lab
Proofs of Euler's formula
Matt Parker's soccer ball petition